Custom Sublimation shirts

Are you looking for custom sublimation shirts? STOP LOOKING! According to our valued customers we are one of the best factories around!

Garment Factory Direct has production facilities in Sialkot and Antalya. We ship worldwide FAST for a very good price!

On the pictures you see sublimation shirts we made custom for famous hockeyclubs like AH&BC Amsterdam and Real Club de Polo Barcelona. The brands we made them for are: Donaci, McGregor and McKendric. We produce hockeyshirts for more brands but they don’t want us to mention them due to the competition.

Would you like to have trouble free deliveries of sublimation shirts, shorts, socks or (hooded) sweaters and jackets?

Please contact us, we will respond very fast…

We look forward to hearing from you…

With sporty greetings,

Garment Factory Direct